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All things come to an end!

The present committee bids you farewell and wishes you well in the forthcoming years. 

We wish to sincerely thank all our volunteers for extending generously, their time, energy, attention, support and assistance towards the many objectives and outcomes we have achieved. 

Of the Outcomes, the following will stand testimony for years and years to come:

  1. The Sewage Treatment Plant
  2. Regularisation of the Layout – The Anugraha Satellite Township layout sketch copy is here. 
  3. Approval for dedicated fourth wire for uninterrupted 3 phase electricity supply. 
  4. Extensive documentation of all the sale deeds, gift deeds, encumbrance certificates, pattas, accounts, common property, etc. 
  5. Regularisation of individual plots of a majority of owners. 

This site will be maintained at the cost of the Secretary, Dr. Jagan Mohan R to serve as an archive and documents repository for as long as possible. 

Its Goodby from all of us! Wish you all the very best!

This site will no longer be actively updated.

If any situation warrants it, we will post important information here.


The Spl. GB will be LIVE ONLINE!

Special General Body Meeting Live Streaming


Click for the Live Streaming on Youtube.

If there is ANY motion that requires wider voting, we will add a POLL here. Please record your vote along with your house number and cross.

The Video will also be saved and added to our videos.

We hope this Special General Body Meeting will be fruitful.

Planned Features for Anugraha Online

Upcoming Features for Anugraha Online:

  1. Anugraha’s own Whatsapp Alternative
  2. Online Support and Ticketing System
  3. Democracy, Voting and Decision Making System
  4. Online Payments and Membership Management System
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