Activity Log
A log of activities
Donations Drive for School Children
The ongoing COVID-19 has disrupted the education of school children in unprecedented ways. Those with resources have moved to online classes. However, many poor students have no means of accessing resources online during this lockdown. This is a digital divide that we need to bridge.
Residents and Homeowners of our township have always been generous in helping the neighbourhood. We now wish to coordinate and facilitate all our homeowners and residents to contribute by donating various school and school children related resources that can be distributed to the neighbouring villages.
We will undertake this exercise village by village to ensure that we focus on one area lest our efforts are diluted.

Interested homeowners and residents may contact us by phone, email or through our whatsapp group.
Thank you
Petitions for Mutation of Patta, Takeover of Roads & Levy of House Taxes
Three repeat petitions (5th round) were presented to the Offices of the Project Director, District Rural Development Agency and the Special Officer/Block Development Officer of Cuddalore District towards:
- Initiate Mutation of Patta by Tashildar for change in ownership in Revenue Records (Patta) in favour of the Government, for the roads and open space reservation areas donated to the Panchayat by the Township Developers.
- Second step – Take over of the Roads (and common areas) of the Township by the Panchayat and classify the roads as Panchayat Roads.
- Assess, Levy and Collect Panchayat House Taxes, now that the layout is in principle approved by the DTCP.
The Petitions have been accepted and files initiated. This will take some time, but the process is now, ON.
Petition for Project Director, DRDA, Cuddalore
An Association Team of five office bearers and members met the Additional Collector cum Project Director, District Rural Development Agency, Cuddalore – Shri. Raja Gopal Sunkara IAS and presented a petition for various reliefs.
The Project Director, DRDA explained that the Government will first have to take over the donated Roads and Common Areas first before any Road related projects can be considered.
As per his advice, separate petitions will be filed during our next meeting.
Meeting with District Collector
Office Bearers of the Anugraha Satellite Township met with the District Collector, Thiru Anbuselvan V, IAS.
A Petition requesting for reliefs for the following was handed over:
- Assessment, Levy and Collection of House Tax for all houses in the Township
- Sewage Treatment Plant’s Electricity Bill Security Deposit demand by the Electricity Board (TANGEDCO) to be waived off
- Township’s Roads to be repaired urgently.
The Collector heard us patiently and promised to talk to the Assistant Director of Panchayat for follow up on our requests.
Maintenance Charges Dues Recovery Initiated
About 99 occupied houses have defaulted in their mandatory maintenance charges payments for over 12 months. These defaulters have been classified as wilful defaulters and recover proceedings have been initiated.
As a first step, individual default notices have been sent to the houseowners through registered post with acknowledgement due. Time till 25 October 2019 has been given for paying all the outstanding arrears in full.
Petition to BDO & AD Panchayat
A delegation from the Anugraha Satellite Township Residents Welfare Association met the Block Development Officer in charge of Mathalapattu Village Panchayat and submitted a Petition requesting for houses of the township to be assessed for tax since the Layout has been approved by DTCP Villupuram under the Regularisation framework announced by the TN Govt.
The delegation also visited the District Collectorate three times before they were able to meet the Assistant Director of Panchayat. The meeting was fruitful. Various issues were discussed including the menace of dogs in the township. A petition reiterating the need for levy and collection of house taxes was handed over to him.
Children’s Day Competitions
The first phase of Children’s Day Competitions have concluded.
There was enthusiastic participation from children of our township.
Kerala Flood Relief Drive
The Association has launched a Kerala Flood Relief Drive for our residents and owners to contribute generously.
Residents and Owners can contribute to the drive in cash, cheque or goods. The Association will issue donation receipts and register their contributions. The cash and cheque will be used to purchase essential drugs (Antibiotics: Doxycycline 400 mg, ORS for now) and the goods will be segregated into grains, wearables, utilities and will be sent to the Cuddalore District Collectorate for forwarding to Kerala.
The District of Wayanad, Kerala requires the most assistance and we will request the authorities to direct our donations to this district.
Please drop by our office at the Prarthana Complex inside our township to drop off your donations. Do not forget to get a receipt.
The drive will end on 23 August, 2018 at 5:00 PM.
Update 24-08-2018 – Collected Materials
Update – 25-08-2018
Thank you all who had donated to the Kerala Floods Relief Drive by the Association. We have handed over the Goods to the District Collectorate and received acknowledgement. We thank our Manager Sabari for assisting in the collection and Mr Kamalakannan for taking the goods to the Collectorate.
We will continue to receive cash/cheque/goods for the relief since the Collectorate is still sending relief to Kerala.
We visited the Collectorate and were happy to see a well-coordinated and executed collection system. We were there when the lorry with our goods departed for Kerala. It was satisfying to note that our Township has done its tiny bit.