Meeting with Karikan Nagar Representatives
Dear Friends, today we had a meeting with Karikan Nagar representatives. They had earlier threatened to block further development of STP.
We patiently explained and addressed their concerns, sought their cooperation and extended our warmest invitation to collaborate with us on Panchayat basis instead of divisiveness.
We hope the message of cooperation would win over the argument of strife with them. They have said they will go and consult with their wider community and asked us to convey to you all their main demand: that we must reconsider the site of STP, stop further work and relocate the STP to a different site.
We said we will give it due consideration. We asked them to collaborate with us as our own request.
This is the first meeting, perhaps we might have to meet a couple more times, but I am sure we will be able to reach amicable settlement.
We had a successful meeting overall. We were able to establish some basic understanding and common grounds.
A word of appreciation for our Karikan Nagar brothers, they were gentlemen today and we had had a mutually respectful exchange, although it did get heated at times, we were able to maintain patience. We will hear from them soon and we hope we will find suitable middle ground.
I am sure we will face even more challenges, but we are also equally geared up and mentally prepared to face them and overcome them all.
We will succeed.
Jai Hind, have a nice evening.